Issue 331-Stop the World, I Want to Get Off

Out of Chaos an organizing newsletter

March 25, 2020 Issue No. 331

Stop the World, I Want to Get Off

When I was a little girl there was a musical on Broadway called Stop the World, I Want to Get Off. I never saw it, but the name always stuck in my mind, and I’ve thought of it whenever it felt like I was rushing, running, never stopping. This week, however, the world did stop.

So, what do we do? Especially for those of us who find ourselves unemployed or underemployed, trapped in our homes with too little to do, it’s less a musical, more an existential drama.

Here is what I know: Habit is our friend. This is a great time to develop some new ones, whether it’s meditating, journaling or doing a 7-minute workout every morning.

Getting up at the same time, going to bed at the same time, and having some set activities (meditating at 7 a.m. or talking a walk at 4 p.m.) give form to what can seem like a vast, but slippery, amount of time.

And carpe diem! All those projects: photo albums, knitting, using the Crock Pot I couldn’t convince you to get rid of. Now is the time. If not now, when? Everything you’ve ever put off because you didn’t have time…even if you’re working from home, your weekends will need activities.

And if your kids are home, maybe they’ll help on the photo project. Or maybe this is the time to turn a few nights a week of cooking over to them. I even harbor a secret dream that I might get them to clean the bathroom.

I know… but I figured you needed a laugh.

All I wish is that the world would start up again. But I can’t control it. But just because the world stopped, doesn’t mean we have to.